Water Plant – 215-547-9581
Wastewater Plant – 215-946-0731
Although our plants are staffed 24/7, our operators are not always near a phone. Should they not answer, please try again in 5-10 minutes.
March 27, 2025 – Agenda
Board of Directors meetings are held at our Administration Office and begin promptly at 7:00 PM
Lower Bucks County Joint Municipal Authority monthly Board Meetings are held on the fourth Thursday of every month except when said meeting date falls on a Holiday or inclement weather, in which event the meeting will be rescheduled. Board meetings will begin at 7:00 P.M. at the Administration office located at 7811 New Falls Road, Levittown, PA. The purpose of Board meetings is to discuss any, and all business brought before the Board of Directors.
Lower Bucks County Joint Municipal Authority (Authority) is a body corporate and politic incorporated by the Borough of Tullytown and the Township of Bristol on May 20, 1952 pursuant to the Municipal Authorities Act of 1945, adopted May 2, 1945, P.L. 382, as amended and supplemented (Act). Under the Act, the Authority is empowered to acquire, hold, construct, improve, maintain and operate, own, sewers, wastewater system/sewer systems or parts thereof, sewage treatment works, including works for treating and disposing of industrial waste, water system/waterworks, water supply and water distribution systems.
The governing body of the Authority is a Board of Directors consisting of six (6) members. Three members are appointed by the creating municipalities, the Township of Bristol and the Borough of Tullytown.